Displaying 41 - 50 of 132

This paper reports on the testing of a new method to derive an estimated value for dietary iron bioavailability in low- and middle-income countries.

Fairweather-Tait S, Speich C, Evariste S, Mitchikpe C, Dainty JR

This paper describes a new method for estimating free and added sugars in the collection and analysis of dietary data.

Amoutzopoulos B, Steer T, Robert C, Code D, Collins D, Yu D, Hawes T, Abraham S, Nicholson S, Baker R, Page P

This technical report provides food yield factors that apply during both preparation (when removing inedible parts) and cooking.

Matthews RH, Pecot RK, Garrison YJ

This book describes in detail 142 Kenyan mixed recipes. It provides the list and weight of ingredients, the cooking method and cooking time for each recipe.

FAO, Government of Kenya

This FAO document provides analytical data on food diversity, with compositional data provided for 7941 foods and 490 components based on analytical data from primary sources.


This document, in French, provides data for a listing of foods on weight per household measure, portion, or unit; ‘partie comestible’ (edible portion); ‘facteur de reduction’ (reduction factor); ‘p

Conseil Supérieur d’Hygiène

This FAO and Government of Kenya publication provides Food Composition Tables for 522 raw and cooked foods and 142 mixed ingredient recipes commonly consumed in Kenya, along with guidance for how t

FAO, Government of Kenya

This is the first edition of the Malawi Food Composition Table.  The publication provides the nutrient composition of 316 Malawian food items.


This FAO document provides food composition data for foods commonly consumed in West Africa.

Stadlmayr B, Charrondiere UR, Enujiugha VN, Bayili RG, Fagbohoun EG, Samb B, Addy P, Barikmo I, Ouattara F, Oshaug A, Akinyele I, Annar GA, Bomfeh K, Ene-Obong H, Smith IF, Thiam I, Burlingame B

The FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Table for Western Africa (WAFCT 2019) is an update of the West African Food Composition Table of 2012, which lacked some important components, foods and recipes.

Vincent A, Grande F, Compaore E, Amponsah Annor G, Addy PA, Aburime LC, Ahmed D, Bih Loh AM, Dahdouh Cabia S, Deflache N, Dembele FM, Dieudonne B, Edwige OB, Ene-Obong HN, Fanou Fogny N, Ferreira M, Omaghomi Jemide J, Kouebou PC, Muller C, Najera Espinosa S, Ouattara F, Rittenschober D, Schonfeldt H, Stadlmayr B, van Deventer M, Razikou Yiagnigni A, Charrondiere UR