Displaying 71 - 80 of 132
This paper describes dietary intakes of Brazilian adolescents (12-17y). Energy and percentage of energy from macronutrients are based on a single quantitative 24HDR. The paper also reports…
Souza AdM, Barufaldi LA, Abreu GdeA, Giannini DT, de Oliveira CL, dos Santos MM, Leal VS, Vasconcelos FdeAG
This paper describes the overall process of developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) for use in Ethiopia. Dietary data used in this process are from the National Food Consumption Survey…
Bekele TH, de Vries JJHM, Trijsburg L, Feskens E, Covic N, Kennedy G, Brouwer ID
This paper is an inventory of current and available food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) across the world. This paper also compares the different food guides as well as the key messages in order to…
Herforth A, Arimond M, Alvarez-Sanchez C, Coates J, Christianson K, Muehlhoff E
This technical report describes the process of developing food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs). One of the steps in this process is to gather information on individual food consumption patterns.…
This paper describes the use of digital photographs as an aid to improve 24HDR quality in rural Bolivia. The day before the 24HDR the respondents are asked to take pictures of every food eaten as…
Lazarte CE, Encinas ME, Alegre C , Granfeldt Y
This paper reviews potential sources of both random and systematic errors during the process of data collection using self-reported 24HDR in LIC settings. It also provides strategies to minimize…
Gibson RS , Charrondiere UR, Bell W
This paper describes the steps that need to be considered to validate food photographs when estimating the amount of food consumed. Recommendations are provided on the characteristics and the number…
Nelson M, Haraldsdottir J
This paper reports best practice guidelines to be followed in order to choose the most appropriate dietary assessment tool. These guidelines are the result of an international experts consultancy and…
Cade JE, Warthon-Medina M, Albar S, Alwan NA, Ness A, Roe M, Wark PA, Greathead K, Burley VJ, Finglas P, Johnson L, Page P, Roberts K, Steer T, Hooson J, Greenwood DC, Robinson S
This paper describes the methodology that was used in the context of a randomized controlled trial to implement repeated standardized 24HDRs among women from 4 different countries.
Lander RL, Hambidge KM, Krebs NF, Westcott JE, Carces A, Figueroa L, Tejeda G, Lokangaka A, Diba TS, Somannavar MS, Honnayya R, Ali SA, Khan US, McClure EM, Thorsten VR, Stoka KB
This guidance document describes the steps to be followed to adapt an existing dietary intake tool to collect information on biodiverse foods, and also provides recommendations for the development of…
FAO, Bioversity International