Displaying 11 - 20 of 132
This article provides important guidance related to the appropriate analysis and interpretation of quantitative 24-hour dietary recall data. The authors review assumptions, statistical techniques,…
Sharon I Kirkpatrick, Patrician M Guenther, Amy F Subar, Susan M Krebs-Smith, Kirsten A Herrick, Laurence S Freedman, Kevin W Dodd
This guide describes a set of methods, tools, and data capture formats that can be used to help identify processed foods commonly consumed in a target geographic area. The set of methods,…
GAIN, Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment, KEMRI
This Intake survey guidance document discusses key considerations related to the selection, assignment, and use of portion size estimation methods in a quantitative 24-hour dietary…
Vossenaar M, Lubowa A, Hotz C, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Arimond M, Crispim SP, Arsenault J
This guidance document was produced by Intake in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition at the Federal University of Paraná at Curitiba, Brazil. The document provides guidance for…
Vossenaar M, Crispim SP, Lubowa A, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Arimond M
CSDietary is a software system developed by HarvestPlus and SerPro S.A. to support nutrition researchers around the world to enter, manage, and process data from quantitative 24-hour dietary recall…
HarvestPlus, SerPro S.A.
The objective of this Intake Survey Planning Tool is to assist survey planners with the development of a survey protocol for a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey in a low- or middle-…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This report provides a summary of highlights from a joint Intake and FAO meeting to take stock of country experiences and promising practices in LMICs in relation to dietary data collection,…
FAO, Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake guidance document describes how to use Facilitated Group Discussions to collect primary qualitative data to help inform the compilation of the food, recipe, and ingredient list (FRIL…
Moursi M, Vossenaar M, Arimond M, Hotz C, Deitchler M
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used to inform the evidence-based design of food-based fortification policy and programming…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment
This Intake Advocacy Note describes how country-specific quantitative 24-hour dietary data can be used in the development of food based-dietary guidelines to improve nutrition in low- and…
Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment