What's new

Here is where you can get up to date on Intake's most recent news and announcements.  We also provide links below to selected recent publications and news articles, and other noteworthy items and events relevant to the collection, analysis and use of dietary data. 

News & Announcements

Call for Papers: Measuring Diets and Food Choice in the Context of a Changing World

December 12, 2022

Frontiers in Nutrition journal is accepting manuscript submissions to be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the journal focused on Measuring Diets and Food Choice in the Context of a Changing World. The aim of the special issue is to look beyond dietary consumption (what people eat) by considering more holistically the various drivers of food choice (how and why people eat the foods they do), to better understand what underpins individual decisions. Editors of this special issue of Frontiers in Nutrition include: Winnie Bell at the Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment,…

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New Intake Publication: How to Compile a Conversion Factor Database for a Dietary Survey

December 7, 2022

This Intake publication provides detailed technical guidance for how to collect, compile, and use portion size estimation method conversion factors in the context of a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey. Fundamental guidance related to the processing of quantitative dietary survey data is provided. Access the survey guidance document here.

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Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) Toolkit

October 6, 2022

Intake has developed a GDQS Toolkit to aid decision makers, government workers, innovators, researchers, and anyone working in public policy to better understand the importance of dietary data, and to determine if the GDQS metric and the GDQS app suit the data needs in their context. 

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Consultancy Opportunity: Data Collection for GDQS Study based in Washington DC

August 4, 2022

Intake is carrying out a primary data collection study in Washington DC. We are seeking consultants for our data collection team for the study. For details about the opportunity and information about how to apply, please go to this link.


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INDDEX24: Open Discussion and Q&A with Intake

June 30, 2022

Please join us on Thursday, June 30 at 8am ET for an open discussion and Q&A with Intake about the INDDEX24 Dietary Assessment Platform. This is an open meeting. We invite everyone with an interest in INDDEX24 to attend. Register to attend here. This is a great opportunity to learn more about this innovative global tool developed by Tufts University and how it can be used to streamline dietary data collection while…

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