What's new

Here is where you can get up to date on Intake's most recent news and announcements.  We also provide links below to selected recent publications and news articles, and other noteworthy items and events relevant to the collection, analysis and use of dietary data. 

News & Announcements

Intake Survey Guidance Document: Considerations for the Selection and Assignment of Portion Size Estimation Methods

November 30, 2020

This Intake survey guidance document provides detailed guidance related to the selection, assignment, and use of portion size estimation methods in a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey.

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New Survey Guidance Document: Development of Food Photographs for Dietary Surveys

November 23, 2020

This survey guidance document was produced by Intake in collaboration with the Department of Nutrition at the Federal University of Paraná at Curitiba, Brazil.  The document provides guidance for the development of portion-size food photographs and full-size food photographs for portion size estimation in quantitative 24-hour dietary recall surveys in LMICs.

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CSDietary Software and User Guides Now Available

November 12, 2020

CSDietary is a data entry and management software system developed by HarvestPlus and SerPro S.A. to support nutrition researchers around the world to enter, manage, and process data from 24-hour recall dietary surveys.

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Intake Survey Planning Tool: A Template for a Dietary Survey Protocol

October 19, 2020

This Intake survey planning tool is designed to assist survey planners with the development of a survey protocol for a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey in a low- or middle-income country. The document provides a template that outlines the structure and content that is generally included in a protocol for a quantitative 24-hour dietary recall survey. The template has been designed to be especially relevant for large-scale dietary surveys but can be…

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Global Diet Quality Score (GDQS) Stakeholder Meeting

September 1, 2020

This remote stakeholder meeting was held on September 1, 2020. The meeting  included a series of presentations to describe the work to develop and validate the GDQS, a new metric of diet quality appropriate for use in LMICs; and an opportunity for meeting participants to provide feedback to help inform the next steps of the research.  Watch the recording of the meeting here.

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