Displaying 21 - 25 of 25

This paper describes the use of digital photographs as an aid to improve 24HDR quality in rural Bolivia.

Lazarte CE, Encinas ME, Alegre C , Granfeldt Y

This paper reviews potential sources of both random and systematic errors during the process of data collection using self-reported 24HDR in LIC settings.

Gibson RS , Charrondiere UR, Bell W

This paper describes the steps that need to be considered to validate food photographs when estimating the amount of food consumed.

Nelson M, Haraldsdottir J

This Intake survey guidance document provides an overview of the main pre-survey tasks that should be considered as part of the planning, design, and budgeting process for large-scale quantitative…

Vossenaar M, Arimond M, Deitchler M, Lubowa A, Hotz C, Moursi M

This paper presents the INFOODS guidelines for describing foods.

Truswell S, Bateson A, Madafiglio KC, Pennington JAT, Rand WM, Klensin JC