Displaying 11 - 15 of 15

This WHO fact sheet provides recommendations for a healthy diet.


This brief describes five main steps to assessing the adequacy of zinc intake in a population. The document includes IZiNCG guidance on Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for zinc.


This Intake publication provides an overview of the various methodologic issues that are relevant to the collection and analysis of dietary data when a key objective of the survey includes…

Tooze JA

This manual was developed as a tool for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting dietary data on intakes of iron and zinc.  The manual is divided into 11 chapters in the order required to plan…

Gibson RS , Ferguson EL

These FAO/INFOODS guidelines developed describe an approach to food matching and the steps required.

Stadlmayr B, Wijesinha-Bettoni R, Haytowitz D, Rittenschober D, Cunningham J, Sobolewski R, Eisenwagen S, Baines J, Probst Y, Fitt E, Charrondiere UR