Displaying 41 - 50 of 104

This is the first edition of the Malawi Food Composition Table.  The publication provides the nutrient composition of 316 Malawian food items.


This FAO document provides food composition data for foods commonly consumed in West Africa.

Stadlmayr B, Charrondiere UR, Enujiugha VN, Bayili RG, Fagbohoun EG, Samb B, Addy P, Barikmo I, Ouattara F, Oshaug A, Akinyele I, Annar GA, Bomfeh K, Ene-Obong H, Smith IF, Thiam I, Burlingame B

The FAO/INFOODS Food Composition Table for Western Africa (WAFCT 2019) is an update of the West African Food Composition Table of 2012, which lacked some important components, foods and recipes.…

Vincent A, Grande F, Compaore E, Amponsah Annor G, Addy PA, Aburime LC, Ahmed D, Bih Loh AM, Dahdouh Cabia S, Deflache N, Dembele FM, Dieudonne B, Edwige OB, Ene-Obong HN, Fanou Fogny N, Ferreira M, Omaghomi Jemide J, Kouebou PC, Muller C, Najera Espinosa S, Ouattara F, Rittenschober D, Schonfeldt H, Stadlmayr B, van Deventer M, Razikou Yiagnigni A, Charrondiere UR

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This report - completed on behalf of the EuroFIR Consortium - compares recipe calculation methods used in Europe in an attempt to harmonize recipe calculation procedures to enable between-country…

Reinivuo H, Laitinen K

This report - completed on behalf of the EuroFIR Consortium – provides specific guidance to support the recipe calculation procedures recommended by EuroFIR in which weight yields are applied at…

Lucia Vasquez-Caicedo A, Bell S, Hartmann B

This United University Press publication provides guidelines on the organization and content of food composition tables and databases, methods for analyzing foods and compiling those tables, and…

Rand WM, Pennington JAT, Murphy SP, Klensin JC

This paper is an overview of different methods available to address the issue of misreporting.

Banna JC, McCrory MA, Fialkowski MK, Boushey C