Displaying 11 - 14 of 14

This Guardian article discusses how unregulated advertising has contributed to a pervasive problem of junk food consumption among children globally.

Dehghan SK

This systematic review aimed to identify studies that had been carried out to assess the dietary intake of populations in Africa over a ten-year period, and to summarize the methodologies…

Vila-Real C, Pimenta-Martins A, Gomes AM, Pinto E, Main NH

This review serves as the basis to define gaps and needs in individual food consumption surveys worldwide and assists in defining priorities for resource allocation.  It also helps frame…

Huybrechts I, Aglago EK, Mulee A, De Keyzer W, Allemand P, Balcerzak A, Zotor FB, Gunter MJ

This paper aims to better understand the relative costs of informing food and nutrition policy-making using 24-hour recall survey data versus secondary analysis of Household Consumption and…

Fiedler JL, Martin-Prevel Y, Moursi M