Displaying 51 - 60 of 72

This website provides access to a directory of food composition databases.

National Nutrient Databank Conference

This Guardian article discusses how unregulated advertising has contributed to a pervasive problem of junk food consumption among children globally.

Dehghan SK

This review serves as the basis to define gaps and needs in individual food consumption surveys worldwide and assists in defining priorities for resource allocation.  It also helps frame…

Huybrechts I, Aglago EK, Mulee A, De Keyzer W, Allemand P, Balcerzak A, Zotor FB, Gunter MJ

This paper aims to better understand the relative costs of informing food and nutrition policy-making using 24-hour recall survey data versus secondary analysis of Household Consumption and…

Fiedler JL, Martin-Prevel Y, Moursi M

This document provides guidelines to assist countries in the design and implementation of appropriate food fortification programs.

Allen L, de Benoist B, Dary O, Hurrell R

This document provides the set of food composition data compiled, along with the conversion factors for portion size estimation methods used for the foods and recipes reported as consumed in a…

Hotz C, Lubowa A, Sison C, Moursi M, Loechl C

This document, published in 1975, provides data for “Yield after preparation” as a % (with a % range also provided) for an extensive list of foods described in various forms, and prepared in…

Matthews RH, Garrison YJ

This document provides data for the changes in meat and poultry weight during cooking, as a result of moisture and fat loss.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service

This database is in Excel and includes an extensive listing (>16,000 items) of foods commonly consumed in the Australian Health Survey 2011-2013.  Density data are provided for a…

AUSNUT 2011-2013

The FOODfiles available at this link provide density data for a list of foods commonly consumed in New Zealand.  

New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited, New Zealand Ministry of Health