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Intake has developed a beta version of an Intake4Earth App to provide a simplified method to collect quantitative dietary data and provide automated reporting on the environmental impact of diets…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

Intake has developed a GDQS Toolkit to aid decision makers…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This Intake publication provides detailed technical guidance for how to collect, compile, and use portion size estimation method conversion factors in the context of a quantitative 24-hour dietary…

Vossenaar M, Hotz C, Arsenault J, Deitchler M, Moursi M, Lubowa A, Arimond M

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food taxation policies in the…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This Intake dietary data video describes the nutrition situation in Mexico and how dietary data have been used to successfully advocate for and inform evidence-based food…

Intake - Center for Dietary Assessment

This brief describes five main steps to assessing the adequacy of zinc intake in a population. The document includes IZiNCG guidance on Estimated Average Requirements (EAR) for zinc.


This document provides data for the changes in meat and poultry weight during cooking, as a result of moisture and fat loss.

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service